Our Mission:
Building community and power, winning equity and respect
Our Purpose:
Building community and power, winning equity and respect
Our Purpose:
The purpose of the Adjunct Faculty Assembly is to promote recognition of the contributions that adjuncts/contingents/part-timers, and all low-income academic workers make to the educational process at CSI and CUNY in general.
We stand for the principle
that every one of us should be valued for the work we do by the
departments and/or administrative offices for which we work, and that
our compensation, benefits, and working conditions should be
commensurate with our contribution.
In our meetings and
activities, and with this website and email address, we hope to
create a forum for ongoing discussion among part-time and contingent
workers about the issues that affect us and our work. In addition, we
plan to facilitate needed dialogue between part-time and full-time
workers and faculty.
Finally, we will work to
ensure that the people who represent us in college and university
administration, in academic governing bodies, and in our union are
accountable to us to fully and in good faith provide us with
responsible representation.
All adjunct faculty, non-teaching adjuncts, and graduate student employees at CSI are welcome to become part of the Adjunct Faculty Assembly and to start a committee or join an existing committee.
Current leadership include the following:
AFA Steering and Communications Committees: Jessica Burke, Nancy Churchill, Steve Fried, Sharifa Hampton, Michelle Thompson, Ruth Wangerin
Professional Staff Congress Adjunct Liaison for CSI: Jeff McGraham
Contact us:
The Adjunct Faculty
Assembly can be contacted at: